
College Students Must Sleep for 7-8 Hours every Night

Sleep hygiene is probably one of the most overlooked things among college students. The transition from high school to college is often overwhelming, affecting students' sleep habits. Sure, the amount…

Sleep hygiene is probably one of the most overlooked things among college students. The transition from high school to college is often overwhelming, affecting students’ sleep habits. Sure, the amount of freedom and increase in social interactions are exciting prospects, but they shouldn’t influence your health.

If you have ever fallen into a cycle of irregular sleep where you fall asleep in the morning and wake up at noon, you might be familiar with the brain fog that comes with it. Unfortunately, that constant feeling of agitation and haze isn’t the best thing for someone studying at a college.

Hence, it is essential to address the question of sleep. How much is a good amount for normal brain function, and what sleep deprivation does to your body and mind?

How Long Should College Students Sleep? 

The amount of sleep is very age-dependent. Children and young adults who are still growing mentally and physically need a solid 8-9 hours. College students require a good 7-8 hours of sleep. Moreover, it is not only the amount of total sleep that is important but also the quality of sleep.

Sleeping occurs in stages, and they are known as the four sleep stages. Extensive research into the subject has shown that human beings go through four stages of sleep, and they all are important to mental and physical wellbeing.

The four sleep stages are:

  • Stage 1- NREM or N1 (1-5 minutes)
  • Stage 2- NREM or N2 (10-60 minutes)
  • Stage 3- NREM or Slow-Wave Sleep (SWS) (20-40 minutes)
  • Stage 4- REM (10-60 minutes)

REM stands for “rapid eye movement sleep,” and N stands for “non”. Each sleep stage lasts roughly the amount of time mentioned in the brackets above.

The point to consider here is that each of these cycles needs to complete their respective lengths without any interruptions. This is especially true for the second and third stages, which are the deep sleep portion of the overall sleep. The same can also be said about the final REM stage, which is where you have vivid dreams.

If you keep getting up in the middle of these stages, you will not feel fresh. Instead, you will feel fatigued, your mood will off, and your concentration level will suffer as well.

Health Benefits of Adequate Sleep

Research after research has shown the positive effects a proper night’s sleep has on overall health. From your cognition to your metabolism, the entire body is dependent on sleep to recover and function properly.

Better Sleep Means Better Cognition

A study conducted on college students found that those who received longer and high-quality sleep performed better on their exams and quizzes. This is due to sleep’s role in recovering the body as well as the mental faculties. When you receive longer and deeper sleep, you feel motivated, eager to learn, and above all, you retain information better. All these things are paramount to a student’s success in college.

High-quality Sleep improves Memory retention

The relationship between sleep and memory has been studied for over a century. Presently, there is no doubt in the medical field that sleep affects your ability to retain information. In short, studies have found that better quality sleeps aids memory retention. Moreover, the absence of adequate sleep has the opposite effect on memory.

Sleep helps against obesity

As if the cognitive advantages of healthy sleep weren’t enough, it turns out it helps you stay trim as well. Studies have shown that sleep has a direct relationship to the metabolic function of your body. Essentially, sleep is responsible for controlling the hormones that regulate hunger. People who have irregular sleep routines are more prone to binge eating and putting on fat.

Strong immune system

Getting ample sleep gives your body the chance to build a stronger immune system. Studies have shown that people who don’t get enough sleep tend to fall sick more often. This can be attributed to a weaker immune system that cannot defend against harmful germs. When you get good sleep on a regular basis, your body develops an optimal white blood cell count and cytokines. Both of these are essential to a strong immune system.

Improved Mood

This one is the most obvious because you can feel the effects of a bad night’s sleep immediately the next morning. A study out of Harvard found that college students who received adequate sleep reported better moods.

Health Consequences of Sleep Loss

While better sleep means better overall health, the flip side is that you will suffer from physical and mental fatigue if you have sleep loss daily.

Sleep deprivation affects brain growth

It is a known fact that the human brain doesn’t completely develop until the age of 25. This means that college students’ brain development can suffer if they don’t practice healthy sleep hygiene. Studies have found that sleep deprivation over long periods can increase the chances of dementia, sleep apnea, and Alzheimer’s.

Poor Coordination and Movement

Too little sleep can make you slower. Lethargy is a known side effect of sleep deprivation, and as a college student, you cant afford to feel lazy and fatigued.

Mood Swings and irritability

There is conclusive evidence that a lack of sleep causes negative feelings, feelings of irritability, anger, and annoyance. In other words, you don’t want your social life to suffer due to negative feelings and frequent mood swings. Moreover, negative feelings associated with sleep deprivation can also cause a feedback loop where sleep worsens due to anxious feelings.


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