
10 Jobs that will NEVER DISAPPEAR EVER

Technology has been a hot topic in recent years, and it's changing the way we go about our daily lives. Unfortunately, this change also creates concern for those who worry…

Technology has been a hot topic in recent years, and it’s changing the way we go about our daily lives. Unfortunately, this change also creates concern for those who worry that technology will be taking over many jobs that humans have traditionally done. The truth is, no matter how advanced technology becomes, some jobs will never disappear. These 10 jobs have been around for centuries, and they’ll stay with us as long as society needs them to function correctly.

1. Teachers

No matter what kind of technology we have, we will always need teachers to educate our children and pass on the knowledge. After all, nothing can replace a human in explaining how things work or showing an example through real-life experiences.

Teachers are needed to make sure that children understand what they’re learning in school, and they need to help them connect this knowledge with real-life situations. Whether through books, videos or lectures, teachers play an essential part in education by making things easier for students to understand.

2. Lawyers

It doesn’t matter how advanced technology gets; people will always need legal support because of how our society works. The law requires constant attention because it dictates how we behave in so many different ways. There will always be new laws created by politicians who want us to obey specific rules, while some old laws might change due to various circumstances. Plus, there have been laws that regulate the way society functions throughout history. Therefore, people will always need lawyers to provide legal advice or help them in court during lawsuits.

3. Doctors

Doctors play an essential role in our society because they work as a link between health and illness. Doctors help you feel better when you’re sick by advising medication and treatment options that they’ve tested earlier on various patients with success. And now, we can’t picture life without those amazing discoveries regarding how human bodies function and what kind of diseases they might develop due to different circumstances. Because of this, we need doctors around who can tell us what might be wrong with us if we feel ill and offer possible solutions so we can get back on our feet.

4. Clergy

Whether you believe in a higher being or not, it is clear that religion plays a massive role in society. This means that people will always have to rely on clergy members since they provide spiritual help and advice when going through tough times. They also perform religious ceremonies such as weddings for those who want to get married by a person of their faith and funerals for those who have lost loved ones.

5. Data Scientists

If you think that data scientists work with numbers and sort through large sets of data, then you’re wrong. These days, data science is all about making sense out of small bits of information and turning it into something meaningful for their clients. Big Data has become an essential part of how we live our lives, and this means that there will always be a need for those who can make sense out of this big pile of information and turn it into something valuable to the people who hired them.

6. Cybersecurity Experts

This job will never disappear as long as we rely on computers to hack those with bad intentions. Cybersecurity experts are needed to ward off these attacks and protect us from those who might want to steal our personal information for reasons best known to themselves. But, of course, cybersecurity is about more than protecting people’s information; it also means making sure that all devices (computers, smartphones, tablets etc.) work properly and keep vulnerabilities away from those who might exploit them to cause damage.

7. Mechanical Engineers

Industrialization plays a massive role in how our economy functions as we rely on machines and various pieces of technology. Mechanical engineers work to make sure that all pieces of machinery function as expected, and they also need to install those parts correctly, so they don’t malfunction along the way. Plus, some make sure that those can use those machines without technical knowledge (so everyone can use them).

8. Coaches

People will always need emotional care and guidance in their lives, which means that coaches are here to stay. They motivate those who feel like giving up on their goals because life is hard, and they also help people deal with difficult situations in the best possible way to overcome problems. There’s no denying that everyone needs someone or something to look up to when times get tough, which is why coaches are required in this world.

9. Army Commander

If there is a war going on, you can ensure that a commander of a country’s army will never disappear. These people make sure that their troops are prepared for battle and know what they need to do in case of war. They also lead the troops personally into action if the situation calls for it while ensuring that nothing gets in their way when they’re trying to complete a specific objective.

10. Farmer

If you enjoy the taste of fresh, organic food, then this is something you should thank farmers for since they are the people who offer it to us. Farmers make sure that the soil is healthy and suitable for growing crops so we can sit down at our dining tables feeling satisfied after a meal. This means that all those who appreciate good food will always have someone on their side working behind the scenes to provide them with what they’re looking for.


Technology has been a massive factor in the transformation of our society, but there will always be jobs that are needed for us to function. Moreover, there is no sign these ten jobs will ever disappear from the existence or go away anytime soon.
They’re not going anywhere at all and have existed since people started settling down into communities thousands of years ago. These occupations transfer skills between generations and help build community identity through their unique trades. So we must know how important it is to keep these positions alive!


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