
Why a Career in Cybersecurity Can Be Right for You?

The cybersecurity field is one of the fastest-growing and most sought-after careers in the world right now. The reason is that the number of cyberattacks is constantly growing. According to the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) report, 791,790 cybercrime-related complaints were made in 2020.

But what does it mean to be a cybersecurity professional? Does it entail sitting behind a computer screen all day, or can you have an exciting career doing something more hands-on?

The truth is that there are many different kinds of jobs within this field, cybercrime analysts, incident responders, penetration testers, security engineers, you name it! They all have different responsibilities for keeping businesses safe from cyber threats. 

The good news is that no matter which type of job you choose, your work will be meaningful because you’ll be helping keep people safe from harm. Read on for more reasons why working in cybersecurity today makes sense.

The Job Outlook is Great

The job market is a significant reason you should consider a career in cybersecurity. The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that the jobs in the cybersecurity field will grow at 35% from 2021 to 2031. This is higher than the average change in most occupations.

The demand for skilled cyber security personnel has accelerated over recent years as more businesses recognize the need for better protection from hackers and other cyber criminals who seek to steal valuable data or disrupt operations through network intrusions. In 2021 alone, 4,145 breaches occurred, exposing over 22 billion records.

These numbers are just the ones that were exposed publicly. There would have been many other small and large breaches that went unexposed. Many companies don’t expose that their systems were hacked because a data breach can have severe consequences. 

For example, customers and stakeholders will not trust the company anymore to keep their data safe. This can impact the brand image and sales, eventually leading to closure. The company can also face legal consequences.

You’ll Make a Difference

The world is changing, and the threat of cyberattacks has never been greater. For example, ransomware attacks grew by 92.7% in 2021. The attacks are expected to continue growing in today’s digital world. Hence, the need for cybersecurity professionals is vital, but there still needs to be more people with the skills to help fight the battle against cybercrime.

Getting involved in this exciting field gives you a chance to impact technology and everyone’s lives and provides an opportunity for you to do something personally satisfying and rewarding.

If you want to become a cybersecurity professional, you can take online courses to get a certification and start your journey. You can easily find many courses on the internet. But you must select the one that allows you flexibility in learning. 

You can go through different cybersecurity boot camps and select the one that suits your needs. Also, go through the study material to get an idea of what you will be learning. This will help you make better decisions.

It’s Fun to be a Hacker, the Good Kind

When you hear the word “hacker,” what do you think? Someone who breaks into computer systems, steals information, and wreaks havoc on the world? Well, that’s not the kind of hacker I’m talking about.

A real hacker isn’t someone who wants to cause trouble. A real hacker is a person with an inquisitive mind and a desire to learn new things to improve upon them. A real hacker loves solving problems, whether they’re technical or social, and enjoys exploring new technologies or projects as they arise.

This kind of person will also have a great sense of humor since many hackers like pranks and jokes and have fun while doing something challenging that requires creativity. If this sounds like you or someone close to you, then becoming a cybersecurity expert might be just what you need.

Becoming a cybersecurity professional will help bridge the increasing skills gap. Due to the skills gap, finding the right certified professional takes time and effort. Hence, 91% of organizations are also ready to spend on training and certifying their employees.

Many Different Career Paths

One of the things that makes this career so appealing is that there are many different types of jobs in cybersecurity. You can work in security, IT, or even law enforcement. You can find jobs at government agencies, large corporations, and small businesses.

Some people are “white hat” hackers who break into systems and networks to test them; others are “black hat” hackers who break into systems and networks with malicious intent. Many people who work in cybersecurity are more moderate than these two groups. They use their skills and knowledge to protect their organizations from harm caused by white and black hats!

Salary Is Lucrative

The average salary for a cybersecurity professional is $102,600. That number can go much higher, though. The salary you get depends on your skills and expertise. If you have the right skills, you can easily get compensation in the higher range.

The reason for this is apparent, your work helps keep companies and people safe from hackers, and other cybercriminals who want to steal information or commit fraud, even physical damage, the importance of good security practices cannot be overstated. The more you know about keeping your company safe online, the more valuable you become to an employer, and the better paid you will be.

The Cybersecurity Field Is Always Changing and Growing

You may have heard that the cybersecurity field is growing at an alarming rate, and that’s true. But this growth isn’t just about new technology: it also has to do with the fact that many organizations realize how important it is to ensure their digital assets are safe and need more people qualified to ensure they are.

In addition to this, there are many different roles in cybersecurity. Hence, whatever your interests or strengths, there will likely be a place for you in this field. For example, some roles focus on ensuring networks stay secure, and others focus on preventing breaches and defending against viruses.

Some involve developing new technologies, and others involve looking at patterns of behavior within an organization to identify potential threats before they can cause damage.


If you like solving puzzles, breaking codes, and exploring new technology, then working in cybersecurity may be right for you. There are many different career paths and opportunities for growth within this field. It’s also a great way to make a difference in the world by protecting people from cybercrime. The job outlook is good, and salaries are high, especially if you have experience already.


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