
GRE Scores for Top 25 PA (Physician Assistant) Schools

Interested in becoming a Physician Assistant? Here are the best physician assistant programs and the respective average GRE scores of their admitted applicants.

Physician assistants, PAs for short, are educated in general medicine. They practice medicine, generally under the supervision of a physician or a surgeon.

PAs have competitive salaries and typically make over $100,000 on average. By 2030, this segment will grow by 40% and add over 40,000 new jobs in the US.

Compare this to just 10% growth in the health diagnosing segment, PAs are well set for the near future. So, getting into a top PA school is competitive and requires strong credentials, including a decent GRE general test score.

Here are the top 25 physician assistant programs, as per US News rankings, and the respective average GRE scores of their admitted applicants. 

These scores have been collected from the PA schools’ websites. Some schools did not publicly provide their GRE scores, so we reached out to them to get this information. 

RankingSchool NameGRE Quantitative AverageGRE Verbal AverageGRE Analytical Writing Average
1Duke University 1571595.0
2University of Iowa1591584.5
3Baylor College of Medicine1541614.5
4University of UtahDoes Not Require a GRE Score
5Emory University1531554.5
6George Washington University1521584.0
7University of ColoradoDoes Not Require a GRE Score
8University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center—Dallas1491554.0
9Wake Forest University1481544.5
10Drexel UniversityDoes Not Require a GRE Score
11Oregon Health and Sciences UniversityDoes Not Require a GRE Score
12Interservice Physician Assistant ProgramDoes Not Require a GRE Score
13University of Southern California1501544.0
14University of Washington1521564.5
15Quinnipiac UniversityDoes Not Require a GRE Score
16Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science1531555.0
17Stony Brook University—SUNYDoes Not Require a GRE Score
18University of Nebraska Medical CenterDoes Not Require a GRE Score
19University of Wisconsin--La Crosse-Gunderson Medical Foundation-Mayo School1571585.0
20University of Wisconsin—MadisonDoes Not Require a GRE Score
21Midwestern University1521584.0
22Rutgers University School of Health ProfessionsDoes Not Require a GRE Score
23Stanford University1561574.5
24University of Florida1501554.0
25Cornell University1531595.0

Does GRE matter for PA School?

Some PA schools such as Oregon, SUNY, and Wisconsin do not require a GRE score. Whereas for others, there are minimum cut-off scores usually around the 50th percentile mark. A few programs give you the option to take either the GRE or the MCAT. So it depends on the school that you are applying to. If you are reluctant to take the GRE or any other standardized exam, select programs that don’t require it.

Can you get into PA school with a low GRE score?

You can. All top PA schools employ a holistic review of your application. They consider multiple attributes, such as diversity, volunteer activities, GPA, and years of healthcare experience. They evaluate candidates on their merit and not just one factor, such as the GRE score. So even if you have a below-par GRE score, you must focus on other essential aspects of your application and portray your strengths.

What is a good GRE score for PA school?

PA schools do not expect very high quantitative scores from applicants. This is understandable since the applicants are coming from a medical background. For most of the top-ranking PA programs, the average quantitative scores hover around 153, and the verbal score about 157.

All of this means that you can get into the right PA school even with a low GRE score. Generally, 300+ is a safe score, and 310+ is a very competitive score for PA schools. But do make sure that you score 155+ on the verbal section to make a strong case.

Is GRE Waived for PA Schools?

Nearly half of all the PA schools in the US do not require a GRE score. Some of the programs that do require a GRE score offer waivers to eligible candidates on a case-to-case basis. 

If you are looking for a GRE waiver at some of the top 50 PA schools, check out these 20+ PA programs that do not require a GRE score.


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