
6 Best Strategies for GRE Passage Questions

Reading comprehension questions on the GRE are designed to be tricky. If you don’t know what to look for and how to decipher the passages, you will end up getting many of the answers wrong. However, the good news is that we know a good deal about how GRE crafts its questions. Below you will find some key strategies that will help you tackle reading comprehension questions with ease.

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Why is the GRE Verbal so Hard?

Preparing for the GRE isn’t exactly an exciting prospect for many students. You have to study for months, solve thousands of practice questions and learn a barrage of new words with the hopes that you score high enough to get into your dream school. Add to this the stress and anxiety brought on by meeting admissions deadlines, and it’s not difficult to imagine why students dread the test.

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What do Graduate schools look for in admissions? Why are GRE scores important?

Graduate school aspirants often wonder what their chances are of getting into their dream school. What criteria do schools use to assess applications? While no school would officially publish the inner workings of its admissions committee, we do know that your GPA, GRE score, personal statements, and research or work experience play a significant role in the process.

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Best Sources for GRE Practice Questions

GRE is the standardized gateway test to get into grad school, especially if you want to pursue a STEM program. Depending on the program and the school you are applying to, you’d need a competitive score to set you apart from the competition. IVY league schools that sit at the very top of global rankings often require near-perfect scores. However, the good news is that with a stellar prep regiment and the right prep material, you can hit that 95th percentile mark which is considered the sweet spot in grad school circles.

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